
Showing posts from September, 2015


( BAHATI )Today I woke up with my heart feeling so heavy..... feeling that there's something missing.... I want to talk about a brother that I've not been in good terms with, a brother who was a real brother before all the fame... I know many might hate me because they were made to believe that I stole which was never the case, so today I stand here to make peace and to ask anyone who I might have offended to forgive me... I am only human.. no man is perfect.... man is to err or and so am I. First and foremost, I really want to be in good terms with my brother @bahatikenya I want us to do a clean ministry, no competition no nothing.... if possible, a collaboration with @bahatikenya would really show unity among our followers and listeners.. as we speak our people are divided like the secular GULLYSIDE AND GAZA and it's not supposed to be like that. We are supposed to be one.. so my brother @bahatikenya let's come together... put our differences aside